UTokyo bicycle racing team

When I woke up this morning my body felt really stiff and I didn't want to get out of bed. Even after heading out, my legs felt empty and heavy, and it took me longer than normal to get to Koremasa. After meeting up with Arita-san, Higashi-san, and Morizumi-kun we headed up the Tamagawa towards Itsukaichi and Tsuru-tsuru. There was construction along the river, so we jumped over to a main street instead and did some speed work in traffic. I still didn't feel very good, but managed to pull through on my turns. Morizumi-kun left us when we crossed back over the Tama. After taking a quick conbini break near Itsukaichi, we headed out for two intervals on the Tsuru-tsuru course. First was a medio, which wasn't too bad, but there was a decent headwind on the way back down so we couldn't get much rest. Next was a progressive, which hurt a bit more at the finish. Mostly I tried to focus on pulling through smoothly and holding a consistent pace on the climb. Once we made our way back down, I said farewell to Arita-san and Higashi-san and just easily spun my way home. Even during the intervals, my legs didn't feel very strong, but I could still ride at a decent pace, so I'm happy with the progress of my training. I think that it's about time for a rest and recovery week, though.

3:15, 95 km